United States, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Sri Lanka, France
April 7th, 1899
Fifth Avenue Hotel, Madison Square, New York
My Beloved Angee,
Have just had a busy time in repacking all my samples – sending the large and heaviest box through to San Francisco – it has been about 3 hours hard work and am thankful it is finished – I have bought a ticket through to Auckland and by doing this am allowed to carry 350 pounds of baggage free overland and thus save excess charges and my large box they are sending through without any charge. There are so many things to think about continually in moving about as I have to – I go to Montreal this evening D.V. and I should reach there on Saturday morning about 7.30 – this will give me a nice day for preliminaries – making some calls &c&c.
Have been plodding away with the calling and am sorry my poor knee keeps rather painful – I expect it is rheumatism – am feeling well in every other respect and sleep well thro' mercy. I went over to the usual reading at Brooklyn on Tuesday evening and took tea with Dr Gunter in New York on Wednesday going to their usual reading after, the room was near at hand – the gracious Lord has given us very refreshing seasons and the dear saints have been much refreshed and so have I – one is made to feel what a divine reality fellowship with one another is, as well as that to which God has called us even the fellowship of His Son Jesus Christ our Lord to which he remains faithful and in mercy he calls our hearts to it when for a moment we have lost the blessing.
I think you had better send Arundel a little help for his rent say £7- and £2- to divide among the dear children – I trust they are all well – I do not cease to pray for them all. And now my dearest Angee the Lord continue His grace and consolations to your heart and mind and preserve you in spirit soul and body – I was much comforted this morning in reading John 14.
Much love to all our dear ones in Bristol and London – dear Martha & Mildred & any other enquiring for me and heartiest greetings for yourself and believe me ever.
Your very affectionate Husband