United States, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Sri Lanka, France

April 3rd, 1899

Fifth Avenue Hotel, Madison Square, New York

My Beloved Angee,

It was very kind of you to write me so quickly after my departure so that I might get the comfort of a letter from your own dear hand a few days after my landing on these shores – I trust that by this time you are feeling a little stronger and if you do go to Ilfracombe I hope you will very careful of the cold winds to avoid them – I am sure the Miss Hobbs will do all in their power to make you comfortable and you will avoid the hills – hope you will on no account go even to the room without a chair. Am sorry to hear of Nellie losing her dear little girl – it must be a great sorrow to her. We passed the dear child the morning to the Victoria Road Station. There was rather a singular expression about the dear child’s face and we know the gracious Lord has died for it and that He can claim if for himself and will never surrender the possession of it to another – He has paid the redemption price for it even His own precious blood. Am sorry to hear our dear Mary Harper is so unwell and trust the Lord may preserve her for her dear husband and children’s sake. I need not tell you to show kindness to her because I know how you delight to do so.

The Lord granted us a day of much blessing yesterday (Sunday) went to the New York meeting in the morning which was a most precious time of real worship in the remembrance of Him whose love went into death for us. Went over to Brooklyn for a reading in the afternoon and the gospel in the evening and we felt the Lord was with us. The saints are very hearty and it is a mutual joy to our hearts to see each other’s faces once more. I wrote dear Mr Lowe from Queenstown and he too has written me a very kind and very encouraging letter saying that he and several other brethren were remembering me in prayer in another part of London the same time we were having the meeting at Oake room.

Today has been a busy one with the work have been offering my Barum pottery trove firm – S & P’s to another – Rowntree’s goods to others and have been some time at the office – the weather has been very fine and I have had a good deal of walking and am quite ready for bed but thought I would begin a letter to you which must be posted tomorrow night. Thro’ mercy I am feeling well – one knee a little painful, but throat and chest all right thro’ mercy. I have heard they have had much snow in Canada rather later than usual and that thousands of men are employed in Montreal carting away the snow – hope it may be cleared against I get up in a few days as I do not care for walking in it.

April 4

Have had another hard day’s work with some encouragement in the way of a few small fish in the basket – the weather is very fine and that is a mercy for me having so much to walk. We have been making up the first order for Tea & Rowntree’s good which P.F.&Co. will sell themselves – we think well of that cheap tea we sampled last and it compares very favourably with what they call English breakfast tea here. Mr Sarl has started off for a month’s journey this afternoon and I hope to get to Montreal by not later than Saturday. Young Fitch is a nice smart young fellow – he is left in charge of the depot now and I want to make a traveller of him too if I can. Well, I must bring my note to a close – tell Mildred she can write as often as ever she likes – so with much love to you my dearest Angee and all our dear friends believe me

Ever your very affectionate Husband. God Bless you all.

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