United States, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Sri Lanka, France

March 20th, 1899

Peek, Frean & Co., Drummond Road, London

My Beloved Angee,

Have been at the works all the morning packing up and shall have to go down again to complete it tomorrow morning. My passage ticket was handed me so that it looks as if the starting time was drawing near – hope I may get a cabin for my own use – they have promised to do this if possible. Your letter with all four pages well filled and no sham came to hand this morning and I am sorry to hear that your mouth continues to give you trouble and pain and hinders your taking food – I hope it will soon get better as I remember in a similar recent experience how very inconvenient it is to have anything the matter with the mouth. Am thankful to say my voice and chest are all right again – give a dog a bad name and hang him – I do not think it was brought on by any excessive talking for I had none – I think if you had had the fog to breathe you would have had a bad chest too. Am glad it is fine today although since I came in here to our City office it has commenced to snow – it was bitterly cold y'day and this morning so it is not surprising. I hope however there will not be much of it. Harry has gone off to the Isle of Wight & Angie to see the Board oculist, Margie accompanying her – Angie looks a little odd in her spectacles.

I shall write you from Queenstown where we arrive D.V. on Thursday morning so that if you send a farewell message on Wednesday afternoon about 5 it must be addressed c/o Commander S.S. Majestic, Queenstown – I shall of course send you a cable addressed Edward Petter Barnstaple on landing in New York – what a sad catastrophe the burning down of the Windsor Hotel in New York was - the Fifth Avenue is a stone structure am glad to say. Well you must cheer up my beloved Angee – it is a deep trial I know for you and it is for myself too but will make the best of it now. The Lord be with you and with much love once more believe me ever.

Your very affectionate Husband

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