United States, Canada

October 28th, 1898

The Manitoba, Winnipeg

My Beloved Angee,

I reached this City last night (Thursday), feeling a little weary after the fourteen hundred miles from Toronto – it is cold and frosty here but nothing like it was on my call last year. We were all getting on talking terms with each other in the drawing room car and with a few I had very interesting conversations. This morning have been down to the great Hudson Bay Stores and am sorry to find the manager duck shooting for a day or two, returning tomorrow Saturday night, exactly as it was on my last visit, so I shall have to wait until Monday morning to see him and I want to leave in the evening for another fifteen hundred miles travelling to Vancouver. The last time in entered the store nothing but H&P's goods were in the place, now it is a change – their large front window dressed from the inside has nothing but piles of P.F.&Co., also many stacks of them in various parts of the store – this is very gratifying and good for sore eyes. Young men behind the counter report highly of the goods too. I know they had written many times for further shipments since opening the a/c. Have just had  call from a newspaper man wanting to know if I was connected with Cassell, Petter & Galpin, seeing the central name registered – suppose he has picked up some scraps for a paragraph.  Have not seen any of the saints yet but wrote to one of them last night letting him know of my arrival. They have had a very wet season in Manitoba which has made their wheat rather damp – the mud in the street is thick and sticks like glue about your shoes, but it is fine overhead. This note will take 4 days to reach New York and therefore it will seem a little longer now that I am getting across this vast continent and therefore further away from New York. You will hardly receive this until the 8th or 9th of November. Am very thankful to see that it is looking a little more peaceful between England and France.

Trust I may receive continued good reports of your progress – you will soon gain strength if your appetite improves and you are able to take in some good nourishing solids. I hope you will not deprive yourself of anything that will benefit you such as that splendid meat juice which has done you so much good in the past. Have been glad to put on one of my flannel bands this morning – I have not worn them for months, but now in colder regions they will be a comfort – well I am near the end of the page once more where one always desires to express our hearts in few and weighty words and not knowing any of this character more in accord with the love that fills God's heart toward us and should fill ours toward each other I will add – Grace, mercy and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Much love to all enquiring friends – our dear children the chiefest among them your own dear self and believe me my dearest Angee.

Ever your very affectionate Husband.

Have just had a greeting from the brother to whom I wrote last night through the telephone and he is calling this afternoon.

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