United States, Canada

October 15th, 1898

Rossin House, Toronto

My Beloved Angee,

It is Saturday evening and the week's work is over and I have been in my bedroom re-arranging my samples and all that kind of work since the midday meal. Arrived here on Thursday evening and am sorry to say managed to take a cold in coming out of the hot car, so that I did not feel quite up to the mark y'day and it was very wet beside – today up to 1 o'clock have been busy making calls and appointments for next week D.V. Was glad to get to the prayer meeting last night to see the dear saints once more and enjoyed the singing of hymn 42 in the appendix. Two of the Miss Gausby's were out but not the Father & Mother. Have had a fire in my bedroom which is a very comfortable and large one and am thankful to say the cold is passing off nicely. I wrote James a few days ago a letter of sympathy and do trust there was some exercise of soul and confession from my poor brother's lips before he died.  I hope it may be a warning to James to wipe his hands of politics. I see you have had a terrible wreck near the Lizard of a passenger and cargo steamer bound to New York and that many lives have been lost.[1] The papers here are full of it today the wire soon brings the news. All the Cornish life boats about that part of the coast seem to have done good service in saving many lives. It was very touching to read the account of a little girl imploring some man to save her as she did not want to die yet he could not do so. Shall hardly get my mail this week until Tuesday so this will go before it arrives.

During my stay in Montreal I took tea with one of the merchants and met the gentleman and his wife who keep this hotel where I am now staying who had just returned from England so I came to their house and have had special attention and a fine room given to me. It is a little quieter than the Queen's where I have staid[sic] on previous visits. I do trust you are getting rid of the cough – if not I should strongly advise your persevering with the inhaler – Dr Robey would advise it I am sure if he saw you and do keep the house as warm as possible not only by day but by night – the stove was bought for this purpose. Hope to be soon getting to Winnipeg now – another 10 or 12 days and shall probably reach the Pacific Coast by the end of the month – my face will then be turned toward New York – shall not go South much as I hear they have some yellow fever there. Trust the dear boys are well and plodding on with their daily labour – they do not write me very often but suppose they are too busy. Well I do not cease to pray for them and their households and business concerns every day.

Lord's day afternoon Oct. 16.

My cold is much better today thank the Lord – I had a good night's rest and felt much refreshed thereby. The Lord gave our hearts a very blessed time this morning at the breaking of bread – every heart appeared to realise His presence and this controlled everything. Dear Mr Gausby's breathings to God were always to edification and comfort to my own soul, but I think especially so this morning – it was a mutual cheer to see each other's faces once more – they have recently buried a son whose course had not been a happy one – the Lord discovered himself to him in His mercy and at the grave his dear father gave out that hymn – "The wanderer no more shall roam". Mr G. Looks quite patriarchal – some expressed their desire to show me hospitality but I knew what talking this involved so had to decline and sit quietly in my room until the evening. We have had a lovely bright day and not too cold. It has been a day of rest indeed thro' mercy and trust it has been so for you and with much love to you and all our loved ones believe me ever.

Your very affectionate Husband

Oct. 17 – 8.20am.

Have had a good night cold better – all well – God be with you.


[1] SS Mohegan, wrecked 14th October 1898, see further here.

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