United States, Canada

October 5th, 1898

St Lawrence Hall, Montreal

My Beloved Angee,

I must not leave all your letter for tomorrow as my writing work is specially heavy for which mercy I am indeed thankful. Have had a good time for all my houses and have laboured in real earnest to get the business, in sunshine and rain. We have had nice meetings too every evening for the week so far and at the prayer meeting this evening much thanksgiving went up to God for His grace in refreshing their hearts – there are a great many choice young brothers who are evidently cleaving to the Lord with full purpose of heart and loving His Word – it has been a mutual cheer for us all. The paper you sent me has arrived and it is indeed a very sad and serious accident to have been occasioned by such a trifling thing as a duck in the road. I trust that both the Dr and his wife may recover. He has had much sympathy from the whole town and neighbourhood I expect and God may speak to them and the family as to the uncertainty of this life and the necessity of having Christ, the only one who can deliver from the wrath to come and by the sacrifice He has made, made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light – what madness to neglect so great salvation and if neglected well might it be said How shall we escape.

Dear little Olive I have been thinking much about her and the path which seems to have been marked out for her – trust it may be manifest that it is the Lord's own guidance and then she will be happy with it.

Oct. 6th 1898

Another day with all its manifold mercies is nearly closed and I am sorry that I have not yet begun the task of writing out my orders and letters – it is a formidable job I assure you for I have forty orders for my 3 houses – shall have to begin it early in the morning and endeavour to get through with it by 5 in the evening and all that is not done then must go by the next mail. Am thankful for colder weather again – it has been a beautiful bright day and as on every other for the week has yielded some fruit for my labour – am sorry to hear from Mr Sarl that he is doing but little – he is a nice fellow but no salesman – his work is very difficult I know and I fear that he gets disheartened and that won't help him. I do not like to say a word to P.F. that may do the dear fellow any harm but I really wish he would give it up and let another try. Martyn would lead one to suppose he is financially in low water in sending only a third of what is due to you, I should be very sorry for him if I thought it was really so but I rather doubt it. Was not surprised to hear of Dr Veal's failure after the report we heard, it is a sad loss for him and perhaps many friends he has involved in the business. Well my darling Angee I do trust you are still gaining strength and that the cough is less troublesome – do be very careful now that the cold weather is coming on and keep the hall stove going at night when it is wet and cold. The Lord be your portion and bless you and with much love believe me ever.

Being very affectionate Husband

Oct. 7 – 7 am. All Well

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