United States, Canada

September 26th, 1898

Hotel Victoria, Quebec. Monday evening.

My Beloved Angee,

I am much comforted to get your letter of the 16th inst. this morning to find that you are evidently feeling better and have Eunice & Eliza in with you which I know is a cheer. I am sorry however to hear dear Arundel has been so poorly again and glad that the latest tidings could speak of some recovery and shall be glad of some confirmation of this on receipt of my next letter. I think you had better have him down with you for a fortnight and if the Wares do not pay him we had better keep him. I find from P.F.&Co.'s letter just received that they did not receive your letter dated 3rd (Saturday) until 2.15pm on Monday and they sent the cable word at once – so your letter was not posted on the 2nd Friday evening as was supposed – however it is all right. Dear Mr Dyer of Shanghai has gone to be with the Lord – I was much drawn to him when there – the British and Foreign Bible Society did not treat him very well in discharging him but God is over all these painful things.

D.V. I go to Montreal this week – it would be singular if I ran against Ada – spent a very pleasant time with Mr Smith and his family again yesterday evening. Have been hard at work all the day and thro' mercy met with great encouragement for all the firms I am representing.

This may go by the same mail the letter I posted last night will travel by – I am writing on the chance of it. With much love to you my darling Angee and all our dear friends who may be with you believe me.

Ever your affectionate Husband

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